Recycling in Halton
Find out what Halton Council collects from your home
What does my Council collect?Recycling Centre LocationsWhat do these Recycling Centres accept?
CANS AND TINS: Ensure cans and tins are empty and free of food and liquids. Metal lids can be placed inside the tin or can. Do not crush or flatten cans and tins
- Drinks cans
- Food tins (fruit, soup, beans etc.)
CARD: Ensure cardboard is free from sticky and parcel tape, labels, staples and remove all plastic packaging and polystyrene. Please flatten boxes.
- Cardboard boxes
- Cardboard packaging
- Cereal boxes
- Corrugated card
- Egg boxes (card)
- Greeting cards
- Pizza boxes (clean – no grease or food)
- Toilet roll tubes
- Washing powder boxes
- Cardboard food packaging (remove the plastic windows)
- Catalogues (no hard covers)
- Envelopes (you don’t need to remove the plastic window)
- Newspapers
- Junk mail (removed from any plastic bags)
- Magazines (removed from any plastic bags)
- Writing paper
- Telephone directories and Yellow Pages
- Wrapping paper (no foil or glitter)
- Soap and toothpaste boxes
GLASS JARS AND BOTTLES: Ensure that jars and bottles are rinsed and free from food and liquids. Glass should not be smashed or broken.
- Food jars and metal lids
- Cosmetic bottles (glass)
- Glass drinks bottles and (metal tops can be put back on)
- Medicine bottles (glass)
- Metal jar lids and bottle tops
PLASTIC BOTTLES: Ensure that plastic bottles are rinsed and free from liquids. Do not crush or flatten plastic bottles. Plastic bottle lids and tops can be left on .
- Fabric conditioner bottles
- Plastic bottle tops
- Shampoo and shower gel bottles
- Plastic drinks bottles (including milk bottles)
- Bleach and cleaner bottles (remove spray or pump tops)
- Cosmetics bottles (plastic)
- Medicine bottles (plastic)
- General household waste
- Most items which cannot be recycled or put in your BLUE bin, should be put in your BLACK / GREY bin.
- If you need to dispose of food waste please use your BLACK / GREY bin.
- Building materials or rubble are not accepted in the BLACK / GREY bin.
- Grass and lawn cuttings
- Small amounts of shredded paper
- Dead flowers
- Prunings
- Hedge and tree clippings
- Twigs and branches
- Leaves
- Plants and weeds
- Untreated bark and wood chippings
- Pet bedding (e.g. straw, shredded paper etc. clean or soiled)
Your local Household Waste Recycling Centres are:
Johnsons Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre, Johnson's Lane, Widnes, WA8 0SJ
1st April - 30th September: 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
1st October - 31st March: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Picow Farm Household Waste Recycling Centre, Picow Farm Road, Runcorn, WA7 4UD
1st April - 30th September: 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
1st October - 31st March: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Household Waste Recycling Centres in Halton are operated by Halton Council
- All Recycling Centres in Halton are available for use by all Halton residents
- NO commercial-type vehicles will now be able to use the sites without a permit. Therefore, if you are planning to use a van or large trailer to access these sites, you will need to apply for the relevant permit, which are available FREE for Halton residents and can be obtained from one of Halton’s Direct Links (One Stop Shops).
- Full details, including what documentation you need to bring when applying for a permit, can be found in our Permit Scheme Information section
- If you have household cement type asbestos to dispose of, these require special arrangements through an appointments system
- For further information please contact Halton Council.
- Asbestos (By appointment please contact Halton Council HERE)
- Batteries (car)
- Batteries (household)
- Books, CDs & DVDs
- Reusable bicycles
- Bric-a-brac
- Cans
- Cardboard
- Carpet
- Coffee cups (e.g. takeaway cups from coffee shops)
- Electrical items (e.g. hairdryers, DVD players)
- Fridges & freezers
- Fluorescent tubes
- Light bulbs
- Garden/Green
- Glass (bottles & jars)
- Plastic bottles
- Mattresses
- Mobile phones
- Oil (engine)
- Oil (cooking)
- Oil (filters)
- Paint (Up to 10 paint tins can be disposed of anytime at Johnsons Lane only.)
- Paper (inc. newspapers, magazines & telephone directories)
- Paper containers with metal ends
- Plasterboard (gypsum)
- Rubble
- Scrap metal
- Shoes;
- Soil
- Televisions (inc. computer monitors)
- Tetrapak cartons
- Textiles
- Tyres
- Upholstered Domestic Seating (if you’re bringing seating with upholstery to a Recycling Centre then site staff will direct you to the Upholstered Domestic Seating Container – click here to learn more)
- White goods (e.g. washing machines, microwaves)
- Wood (untreated timber)
- Wood (chipboard, composite, MDF)
- Large plastics
- Printer cartridges
- Non-recyclable household waste

CANS AND TINS: Ensure cans and tins are empty and free of food and liquids. Metal lids can be placed inside the tin or can. Do not crush or flatten cans and tins
- Drinks cans
- Food tins (fruit, soup, beans etc.)
CARD: Ensure cardboard is free from sticky and parcel tape, labels, staples and remove all plastic packaging and polystyrene. Please flatten boxes.
- Cardboard boxes
- Cardboard packaging
- Cereal boxes
- Corrugated card
- Egg boxes (card)
- Greeting cards
- Pizza boxes (clean – no grease or food)
- Toilet roll tubes
- Washing powder boxes
- Cardboard food packaging (remove the plastic windows)
- Catalogues (no hard covers)
- Envelopes (you don’t need to remove the plastic window)
- Newspapers
- Junk mail (removed from any plastic bags)
- Magazines (removed from any plastic bags)
- Writing paper
- Telephone directories and Yellow Pages
- Wrapping paper (no foil or glitter)
- Soap and toothpaste boxes
GLASS JARS AND BOTTLES: Ensure that jars and bottles are rinsed and free from food and liquids. Glass should not be smashed or broken.
- Food jars and metal lids
- Cosmetic bottles (glass)
- Glass drinks bottles and (metal tops can be put back on)
- Medicine bottles (glass)
- Metal jar lids and bottle tops
PLASTIC BOTTLES: Ensure that plastic bottles are rinsed and free from liquids. Do not crush or flatten plastic bottles. Plastic bottle lids and tops can be left on .
- Fabric conditioner bottles
- Plastic bottle tops
- Shampoo and shower gel bottles
- Plastic drinks bottles (including milk bottles)
- Bleach and cleaner bottles (remove spray or pump tops)
- Cosmetics bottles (plastic)
- Medicine bottles (plastic)

- General household waste
- Most items which cannot be recycled or put in your BLUE bin, should be put in your BLACK / GREY bin.
- If you need to dispose of food waste please use your BLACK / GREY bin.
- Building materials or rubble are not accepted in the BLACK / GREY bin.

- Grass and lawn cuttings
- Small amounts of shredded paper
- Dead flowers
- Prunings
- Hedge and tree clippings
- Twigs and branches
- Leaves
- Plants and weeds
- Untreated bark and wood chippings
- Pet bedding (e.g. straw, shredded paper etc. clean or soiled)
Your local Household Waste Recycling Centres are:
Johnsons Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre, Johnson's Lane, Widnes, WA8 0SJ
1st April - 30th September: 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
1st October - 31st March: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Picow Farm Household Waste Recycling Centre, Picow Farm Road, Runcorn, WA7 4UD
1st April - 30th September: 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
1st October - 31st March: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Household Waste Recycling Centres in Halton are operated by Halton Council
- All Recycling Centres in Halton are available for use by all Halton residents
- NO commercial-type vehicles will now be able to use the sites without a permit. Therefore, if you are planning to use a van or large trailer to access these sites, you will need to apply for the relevant permit, which are available FREE for Halton residents and can be obtained from one of Halton’s Direct Links (One Stop Shops).
- Full details, including what documentation you need to bring when applying for a permit, can be found in our Permit Scheme Information section
- If you have household cement type asbestos to dispose of, these require special arrangements through an appointments system
- For further information please contact Halton Council.
- Asbestos (By appointment please contact Halton Council HERE)
- Batteries (car)
- Batteries (household)
- Books, CDs & DVDs
- Reusable bicycles
- Bric-a-brac
- Cans
- Cardboard
- Carpet
- Coffee cups (e.g. takeaway cups from coffee shops)
- Electrical items (e.g. hairdryers, DVD players)
- Fridges & freezers
- Fluorescent tubes
- Light bulbs
- Garden/Green
- Glass (bottles & jars)
- Plastic bottles
- Mattresses
- Mobile phones
- Oil (engine)
- Oil (cooking)
- Oil (filters)
- Paint (Up to 10 paint tins can be disposed of anytime at Johnsons Lane only.)
- Paper (inc. newspapers, magazines & telephone directories)
- Paper containers with metal ends
- Plasterboard (gypsum)
- Rubble
- Scrap metal
- Shoes;
- Soil
- Televisions (inc. computer monitors)
- Tetrapak cartons
- Textiles
- Tyres
- Upholstered Domestic Seating (if you’re bringing seating with upholstery to a Recycling Centre then site staff will direct you to the Upholstered Domestic Seating Container – click here to learn more)
- White goods (e.g. washing machines, microwaves)
- Wood (untreated timber)
- Wood (chipboard, composite, MDF)
- Large plastics
- Printer cartridges
- Non-recyclable household waste